
SIS – 1381
These specially designed cabinets provide a wash of sterile filtered, clean air through HEPA filters having an efficiency of 99.97% down to 0.3 micron particle size. This cabinet protects dust and other particulates on clean room garments or other materials.
For use in the change room for garment storage & inside the clean room for storage of materials.
Sel standing cabinet provides down flow clean air to clean room garments.
Can be designed in Horizontal airflow system also.
All visible exposed surfaces white laminated, giving high impact resistance with smart clean appearance.
Large interior capacity for handing upto 20 garments at a time.
Special provision for wire mesh shelves (optional) for component storage.
Low power consumption suitable for operation on single phase supply.
Any non standard size can be made on order.
Pharmaceuticals Industries, R & D Laboratories, Hospitals Electronic Components and Semiconductor Industries, Photographic Laboratories, Optical Instruments Industries.
L × B × H
2’×1.5’×3’ 3’×1.5’×4.5’ 4’×1.5’×4.5’
2’×2’×3’ 3’×2’×4.5’ 4’×2’×4.5’
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