DIGITAL BOMB CALORIMETER (with safety device)

SIS – 1355
Bomb Calorimeter outfit provides a simple and inexpensive method for determination of heat of combustion of organic matter and the calorific value & sulphur content of solid & liquid fuel. The outfit supplied is complete for analysis as per the method recommended by British standard institution BS 1016. All parts of the outfit have been finished of petroleum and British Standard Institute.
Bomb is made of SS 316 . Differential temperature range 0-5° c
Bomb With Test Certificate, Calorimeter Vessel With Bomb Support, Water Jacket, Combined Lid For Calorimeter Vessel and Water Jacket , Stirrer , Connecting Leads, Connecting Tube To Connect Bomb And Pressure Gauge, Connecting Tube With Fine Adjustment Valve To Connect Pressure Gauge On Stand , Spanner For Oxygen Tube connection , ignition Wire Nichrome , Cotton Real , Stand For Bomb Lid, Hook For Lifting Bomb, Stainless Steel Crucible, Gelatin Capsules, Gas Release Valve, Pilot press Digital Bomb Firing Unit, Stirrer, Benzonic Acids O’ Rind Big, ‘O’ Ring Small, ‘O’ Ring For Stirrer Valve For Bomb, Valve Key.
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